
Susan Weis-Bohlen


Write for the sheer joy of writing! Join Susan Weis-Bohlen and Women’s Daily Post for weekly Salons designed for everyone – whether you are working on a manuscript, an avid journal writer, or someone who hasn’t taken pen to paper since elementary school. Everyone can write — with a bit of encouragement — and thought-generating prompts. Susan can help you find the muse, get the writing muscle moving, quiet the monkey mind that says “you can’t write!”, and find that sweet spot where the words flow. Writing is a form of healing, self-expression, and sharing. Writing with a group you trust creates community. These Salons are based on Gateless Method which helps you access the theta state of mind, allowing you to be fearless and creative. Susan is a certified teacher of the Gateless Method. How Does It Work? We will gather together in a small group and Susan will…

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